more then a diplomatic valet, it's a full tools matter
My passion is to make people discover their musical emotions Interview with Raffi Garibian, expert in acoustics, high fidelity, and owner of Video-Hifitec, Geneva

In today’s world, driven by consumerism, where you are easily disoriented by a flood of advertising for so many different products, it’s nice to meet somebody who is there to sell you quality, who can give you advice and help you to find the right thing for you, your style and your budget. We are surrounded by sound and, according to Raffi Garibian, we can only hear a fraction of the sound around us. He was trained as a…

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the opening of the new Maison de la Paix or House of Peace in Geneva, Switzerland

Kofi Atta Annan former Secretary-General of the United Nations and co-recipient of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize “for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world”, was the guest start during the opening of the new Maison de la Paix or House of Peace in Geneva, Switzerland. He has been invited by the Graduate Institute, Geneva and delivered a speech on Africa and its economic position today.

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