more then a diplomatic valet, it's a full tools matter
Cholera Epidemic in Chad

Text: IFRC Photos: Action Press/Virot Date September 7, 2011 During a press conference at the Palais des Nations, IFRC Pablo Medina, Operations Coordinator in Geneva, said that the choéera cases in Chad in 2011 have now reached 12’713 cases with 1’368 new cases over the last week. With the peak of the rainy season coming in September and October, it is feared that the number of cholera cases will double and could reach up to 25’000 cases with the…

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Irish in Mexico: Battalion of Saint Patrick

Los San Patricios became synonymous with colonies of integrated settlers in the United States at a time of mass emigration from Ireland and other places in Europe during the nineteenth century. Their legendary role in the Mexican-American War (1846-8) is extensively chronicled in historical and contemporary literature. It has been portrayed in several films and is lauded in patriotic songs. Events are held to remember the sacrifices of the “San Patricios”, soldiers of Saint Patrick. Dedicated ceremonies have been…

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