more then a diplomatic valet, it's a full tools matter
A ce Liban, a ce rêve

Il est de ceux qui se battent pour un idéal et qui sacrifient leurs vies. Il est de ceux, pour qui leur terre est sacrée Il est de ceux pour qui, le pays est synonyme de symbole, d’entité, de valeurs. Il est de ceux, qui nourrissent pendant toute une vie, un espoir A ce Liban auquel je rêve, a ce Liban auquel j’aspire Je voudrai par ces mots simples tenter de l’imaginer, Je voudrai par des mots simples, connus…

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Ukrainian Peninsula of Crimea: gambling game for Russia and reliability test for International Organizations

Any strategic game starts with a map. The territory of Ukraine seems to be one of the most attractive regions for Russia in the post soviet area. The bloody “Arab Spring” have already past when Russia boasted of its diplomatic abilities and president Putin has evidently decided to recall his falling into a tyrannical habit of aggressiveness now regarding its freedom-loving neighboring country – Ukraine. The plausible reason for choosing Ukrainian Peninsula of Crimea as an object for imperial…

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