more then a diplomatic valet, it's a full tools matter
Pontifical Scots College, Rome: Scottish-Roman Mosaic

Since the times of a largely Celtic and monastic Church to the days of the hidden seminaries and the ‘heather priests’ of the Highland seminaries together with Scalan, Aquhorties and Blairs College (1829-1986), and the forced exile of the seminaries of Douai, Paris, Madrid, Valladolid and Salamanca, the Pontifical Scots College has continued to welcome visitors to the Eternal City. Over centuries numerous events and many people have contributed to the Scottish-Roman Mosaic. In 2000 the Pontifical Scots College…

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Irish Dominicans in Rome: Community of SS. Sisto e Clemente

The Dominicans first arrived in Ireland in 1224, three years after the death of their founder Dominic (1170-1221) and the arrival of the friars in England. In the first year two foundations were established in Dublin and in Drogheda. There were twenty four in Ireland by the end of the thirteenth century, only five of which had Gaelic founders. Less than 100 years previously the Anglo-Norman invasion and conquest of Ireland had begun. The division within the Irish Church…

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