more then a diplomatic valet, it's a full tools matter
Islam, Soufisme, Evangelisme – La guerre ou la paix – Par Zidane Meriboute

Le monde arabo-musulman est en agitation. Le livre de Zidane Meriboute propose un panorama de l’islam dans ce contexte, nourri d’une fréquentation assidue des divers courants islamiques dans le monde arabe et enrichi d’une connaissance pointue de l’histoire des figures émergentes actuelles. Sur l’islam mondial, les salafismes violents et non violents et le soufisme, courant très en vogue dans le monde et notamment en Occident, cette étude nous livre des informations de première main en nous introduisant, de manière…

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The OIC is celebrating its 40th anniversary Interview with His Excellency Mr. Babacar Ba, Ambassador of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to the United Nations

Mr Ba is a career diplomat from Senegal who was asked to take charge of the OIC’s affairs in Geneva. Q: The OIC is currently celebrating its fortieth anniversary. When did it all start and could you please tell us a little about your organization? The OIC was set up in 1969. It was a reaction to the events that had happened earlier. There had been an attack against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, which is considered the third…

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