The Executive Master’s in International Negotiation and Policy-Making (INP) is a part-time programme designed to foster understanding of international issues and enhance effective participation in international negotiation and policy-making in a world marked by complex interactions between public and private spheres of activities.
This is a programme designed in particular for executives involved in international affairs or negotiations both in private or public organisations. Professor Cedric Dupont, Programme Director, answered our questions on this new executive training.
Q : What are the requirements for admission to your new Executive Master INP ?
Selection criteria include work experience, previous academic education, English proficiency, motivation and recommendation. Our main selection criterion is the motivation of the candidate and how the programme fits with the candidate’s career path. Therefore, a motivation statement and letters of recommendation are key assets.
Q : How many programmes of this kind does the Graduate Institute offer ?
The Executive Education Department offers two degree-granting programmes, the INP in International Negotiation and the IMAS in Development Studies. We will also launch this fall a series of short courses on our main expertise on topics such as international trade, negotiation analysis and practice, global health and environment. Furthermore, we offer for the first time tailor-made programmes upon institutional request.
Problem-based learning with the use of case studies is our teaching approach in executive education. One key asset of executive education is also the small group setting enabling fruitful peer networking and intensive group interaction.
The curriculum of the Executive Master INP builds upon our recent survey of key professional competencies required for people dealing in international affairs. INP includes about 100 hours of analytical perspectives on global governance (economic, political, law) and about 100 hours of practical skills such as leadership, negotiation and crisis management.
Q : What is the cost of the programme ?
Tuition fees for the 9 month-INP programme are CHF 20,000. The fees for short courses vary between CHF 1’500. – and CHF 4’000.- per week.
Q : Can one take some of the shorter courses, and then accumulate them to build up to an Executive Master’s degree ?
The learning process of the Executive Master’s programme has been carefully designed to build up knowledge and practical skills. The series of lectures and workshops lead to an increase of participants’ analytical skills. Assessments of an Executive Master’s are quite demanding and entail the writing of essays and short papers. Moreover, the group, a maximum of 30 participants, also learn from each other. Bonding is another very significant part of the learning process. All of these criteria are strongly evaluated by employers afterwards. Accumulation of shorter courses cannot amount to an Executive Master’s degree.
Attending several short courses throughout the year enables professionals to stay up to date on key issues and skills in international affairs and development.
Q : What can an employer expect ?
First of all, he can expect a very good grasp of the implications of international governance ; second, an ability to make decisions in complex, multi-issues settings. For instance, if you make a decision on an international trade-related issue it might also have an implication on world health or human rights. Third, holders of INP Executive Master’s degrees acquire negotiation and communication skills as well as leadership abilities.
Q : Personally, what is your wish for executive education ?
I personally think that executive education is an enriching experience for all professionals. It responds to the need to maintain and update one’s analytical skills in a fast-moving professional environment. It is a challenge both for participants and for instructors. As a professor in executive education, one needs to teach differently and to think in term of case studies rather than theories. I think the Graduate Institute has all the required assets to reach excellence and innovation in executive education : our internationally renowned faculty, leading practitioners and networks in international affairs and development, and large expertise coming from the Institute’s research centres.
For further information, please contact Jasmine Champenois, Executive Director, Executive Education at the Graduate Institute, Geneva at 022 908 57 35 or by email : executive@graduateinstitute.ch Web :http://graduateinstitute.ch/executive