The International University in Geneva is pleased to announce that it has been accredited in December 2009 by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) for an initial period of 10 years. ACBSP is the premier accrediting association for business schools and programs with a focus on teaching excellence.
ACBSP is only one of two business accrediting agencies recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) in the USA.
The International University in Geneva has also been ranked as the 5th best business school in Switzerland up from 8th place in 2008 by the International Scientific Committee of EdUniversal (www.eduniversal.com). The University is ranked next to distinguished Swiss Universities such as IMD and the University of St Gallen.
In addition, the University’s MBA was recognized as being one of the top 25 programs in Europe by the CEO Magazine.
For further information, please contact ++ 41 22 710 71 10
Nouvelle accr ?ditation et classement :
L’International University in Geneva a le plaisir d’annoncer sa r ?cente accr ?ditation par l’Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) pour une p ?riode initiale de 10 ans. ACBSP est une des premi ?res association de business schools avec une priorit ? sur l’excellence dans l’enseignement.
ACBSP est un des deux seuls organismes d’accr ?ditation ? ?tre reconnus par le conseil d’accr ?ditation d’ ?tudes universitaires (CHEA) aux Etats-Unis.
L’International University in Geneva a ?t ? class ?e cinqui ?me meilleure business school en Suisse par EdUniversal (www.eduniversal.com) en progression de 3 places par rapport l’ann ?e pass ?e. L’universit ? est class ?e avec d’autres business schools en Suisse tels IMD et St. Gallen.
Le programme master en gestion d’entreprise a ?t ? class ? parmi les 25 meilleurs programmes MBA en Europe par le magazine CEO.
Pour plus d’information, veuillez contacter ++ 41 22 710 71 10