more then a diplomatic valet, it's a full tools matter
Interview with Mr. Guy Tozzoli, President and founder of the World Trade Centres Association

Nobody knew the World Trade Centre in New York City better than he did. From the conception of the trade centre in the early 1960s to the completion of the Twin Towers in 1973, he led the team of planners, architects and builders who overcame countless obstacles to construct the tallest buildings on earth. He is Mr Guy Tozzoli, a real New Yorker of Italian descent. He receives us kindly in his office in the Lincoln Building the day…

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A Medical Odyssey that Concerns 1 in 3 People Worldwide.

Cancer affects 1 in 3 people worldwide. Few people get beyond the taboo of the topic however to address the concrete issues of how a life-threatening disease can affect not only those afflicted but family and friends of the cancer patient. Here is a personal journey on the medical odyssey of learning about cancer first-hand and learning how to cope to keep a family united and emotionally healthy during difficult times. It’s about a Mom with teenagers living in…

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