more then a diplomatic valet, it's a full tools matter

“I could not bear sitting in my lovely home while hundreds die of Aids in Zimbabwe every day.” These were the thoughts of Professor Ruedi L?thy, the eminent Swiss HIV and Aids specialist. In Africa AIDS is the cause of an imminent humanitarian disaster. A countless number of people are already infected with HIV, millions are dying of Aids and tragically millions of children have become orphans. It is time for us to reach out to help. Dr Ruedi…

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A Powerful New Force in Public Diplomacy

Most of us see World Trade Center buildings as towering real estate monuments adoring the skies of the capital cities from continent to continent. They are hubs of activity between foreign exchange specialists, global trade managers, government investment promotions officials and a complementary web of transportation, logistical, marketing and international finance executives. Upon closer review, World Trade Centers are more than just real estate or even symbols of man’s interest in transacting business. The World Trade Centers Association (WTCA)…

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